It has been quite a busy summer with rescue, babysitting dogs and rescue, so it was hard finding time to do anything let alone blog.
Ivy spend three weeks at my house while her family went away. I had a ton of cute pictures of her with the little dogs but somehow I have lost them in computer neverland. So Miss Ivy, its not that I did not love you enough to blog about you, just did not have any pictures!!!!! ;-)I was able to find these ones of her in my truck. I had gone to pick up some dogs that were being surrendered to the rescue, my truck was full of crates, dog food and beds leaving only a small spot for Ivy to sit at the very back. Well she did not feel it was enough room so she proceeded to climb on top of everything and rode on crates and dog food all the way home, quite content about it too.
She was a great house guest, despite the rank gas (and I mean eye watering rank) and hogging the bed.
So Ivy I hope this will suffice and you will still love me....
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